"I'm not one of those crazy 4-H moms" I repeat that to myself many times a day as I look at this mess....
9 Days.. County Fair Crunch time has began at the Hadrick House! As you can tell by this picture there is still a lot to do.

There are 2 'Rules" I have when making 4-H projects. My kids like to create, they come from a long line of creators and I'm always looking for ways they can create. So, I leave a lot up to them on what they want to make and that means picking their own colors, embellishments and encouraging them to make what they see in their mind.
My other 4-H project rule is that it has to be useful. I don't need junk around my house. Let's face it, I don't spend a lot of time dusting and I don't need more stuff to collect it.
So, we make useful & creative things, can you find them in the picture...
Recycled cookie sheets- new chore charts painted with chalkboard paint. Kids picked their colors and from the many old cookie sheets I've collected make their chore charts.
Deer head is being mounted on a recycled board from the old wood pile to display the boys last season kills. T and I spent an hour a few weeks ago scavenging through the huge farm wood pile. He took the old planks into our cabinet maker and asked him to plane them. They turned out amazing and we're also hoping to get the end table done he has started...
The huge pickle jar I picked up from the church give away last fall- our new Fun Money jar. Miss O is going to stencil on it. She's picking the colors and letter stencils.
Oh see the candle holders- one cream and one teal... I got those from our on-line rummage site. I have to admit the teal one isn't what I had planned, but Miss O has a vision and I'm letting her run with it. After all I can just paint it again when she's done with it. Actually she can repaint it and use it in the recycled project area in if the future... Always thinking
See the copper dear head- Zulily find, the boy love hunting and this is a easy paintable item that adds to his room decor. I typically have him spray paint, because who doesn't like to spray paint?? But for this item he is using some really cool metallic paint that we sell at my store. I may have to find somewhere else to display it, because it is turning out really cool!

Don't forget the galvanized bucket at the end of the table...that's our new entertaining bucket for drinks or it might be the new towel holder for the basement bathroom guest towels. Whatever the case, a stencil is being added in the color of Miss O's choice
Now we do have some projects complete... We don't save everything for the final week. The tubs and boxes hold the things we've worked on all year long. The painted frames we did at a fun paint class, pottery we did with the cousins in the big town, Tye Dye from bible school and the extension cords we did with the club.

Plus we have these cool boards with knobs on them for each child done. Thanks in most part to my mother who came with her power tools. I had the supplies, again a trip to the farm wood pile and the big town where each child picked the knobs that spoke to them. These will be displayed in their room to hang important things on.
I'm sure there is more then that...
You know what I don't see in this box- the rockets, where Dear Lord did I put the rockets???
As a side note, Miss R is still a clover bud and with that comes freedom to create like no other! The State Fair 4-H rules do not apply to her and so her creations are a whole different blog post. I may not get to it until after fair, but I promise to take pictures and have her commentary.
Wish us Luck! I didn't even get to the livestock... 2 pigs raised like cows and 2 heifers that are being pampered like I can only dream of.